Heritage Fund performance indicators

Sunday 17th March 2024

Plants and animals

  • Places for nature/habitat acquired = approx 250m² (but best to look at structural complexity, not area)
  • Places for nature/habitat restored or enhanced = approx 250m²
  • Green walls/roofs created or enhanced = approx 15m² (again, diversity of species & habitat)
  • Connectivity – new green corridors/routes created/enhanced = approx 10m
  • Pollinator improvements = to be determined at ecology co-design workshop
  • Species abundance increase = tenfold (currently unimproved clay pasture)
  • Priority species = to be determined at ecology co-design workshop


  • Access to water = wildlife pond


  • Estimated reduction in CO2 = to be determined at ecology co-design workshop
  • Improved air quality = to be determined at ecology co-design workshop


  • Community growing = 2 (Hope Garden & neighbouring allotments)
  • Accessible green public space created = 250m²
  • Accessible green public space improved = 250m²

Wellbeing of Future Generation Act benefits/impact

  • Number of SMEs based in Wales which you will contract/subcontract = 12
  • Volunteers involved [number] = 40
  • Volunteers who report an improvement in wellbeing as a result of project involvement [number of people] = 40
  • Community assets created [number] = 1 large community asset, numerous others benefitting
  • Employees/visitors/residents/passers-by who will be able to “see” the asset created = peak holiday season, possibly 30