Hope Garden Newsletter โ€” Tue 06 Feb ๐ŸŒฟ

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by Jake Rayson/ on 06 Feb 2024

Hope Garden Newsletter โ€” Tue 06 Feb ๐ŸŒฟ

  1. News
  2. Links
  3. Photos
  4. Hope

Welcome to the first issue of the weekly Hope Garden newsletter! This is a bit of an experiment, I am writing this newsletter as a post published on the website and then it should be relayed to all the newsletter subscribers.

If you have any comments or feedback, about the content or the technical, please let me know hello@hopegarden.uk.

Jake Rayson

1. News

New year, new job

I applied for a part-time post as a Biodiversity Assistant with the local council, and Iโ€™ve just found out that itโ€™s been approved! This is exciting news, well, for me. My background is in design and gardening, so I will have a lot to learn. Iโ€™m also used to working with private businesses rather than local government, so that should be another new landscape to explore.

It will be fantastic experience for the Hope Garden, as I can incorporate what I learn about ecology and council practises into the garden design.

Itโ€™s three days a week for a few months at least, so I will be working on the Hope Garden the rest of the week.

Jake Rayson

Pen Y Foidr mini-presentation

Index card with Hope Garden presentation written out

My notes for the presentation

I gave a short presentation about the Hope Garden to the Pen Y Foidr allotments on Monday 29th January. As they are the partner in the project, it was important that I fairly represent the Hope Garden! I am seriously out of practise with public speaking, so I was pretty darned nervous. But I had my 5 minute speech sketched out on an index card, so at least I said the important bits!

People were receptive though, so it was a good meeting. The main point was about maintenance. I am glad of this, because there are 3 big questions in gardening:

  1. Who does the maintenance?
  2. Where does the water go?
  3. Whoโ€™s paying?

Note that none of these questions are directly related to plants!

Jake Rayson

3. Photos

Canvas on a rope over a space with people in

This is a BlueGreenCymru gathering in full flow, under canvas

Upturned supermarket crates on mown grass circle

Early prototype of benches

Man in TikTok video walking around a telegraph pole

The inspirational John Little giving me inspiration for the canvas supports

4. Hope

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

~ James Baldwin