
Callejon Trujillo Urban Garden
by Jake Rayson/ on 17 Feb 2024

Callejon Trujillo Urban Garden

I posted about the Hope Garden newsletter on my Nature Works Mastodon account and I had a reply from Nathan about the Huerto Urbano del Callejón Trujillo, an urban community garden in Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Ffynnone Resilience
by Jake Rayson/ on 15 Feb 2024

Ffynnone Resilience

We‘re in the midst of applying for the Local Places for Nature Capital Fund for the prototype Hope Garden.

by Jake Rayson/ on 29 Jan 2024


I gave a mini-presentation to the Pen Y Foidr allotments tonight, only a 5 minute slot at the end of their meeting.

Denise Assembly ideas
by Jake Rayson/ on 26 Jan 2024

Denise Assembly ideas

Denise is one of the collaborators on the Hope Garden. Long time community activist and now Community Assembly organiser extraordinaire, Denise is diving in to help out with the Local Places for Nature application after next week.

by Jake Rayson/ on 23 Jan 2024


Finally, it’s up and running. I was considering using Beehiiv as the newsletter platform but they don’t have a configurable subscribe form and they also don’t have the ‘RSS (ie blog posts) to automatic newsletter’ feature.

Website counter
by Jake Rayson/ on 19 Jan 2024

Website counter

I really don’t like Google, they are an advertising company that relentlessly & silently scrapes your data and sells you rubbish.