Where does the water go?
The site of the Hope Garden is at the lower end of a clay rhos pasture field in West Wales.
Species on my mind
Yusef from West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre ran an ecology survey at the site of the Hope Garden.
Ideas for covering
Canvas, telegraph poles, chestnut posts Cheap, movable, replicable. Prob £600 all in.
Big fat dandelion
Plant a big fat Dandelion front and centre. Edible, native wild flower, great for pollinators.
Flowers for gardener
Flowers for Denise XR Gardener Ramsons Rough Hawkbit Maiden Pink Welsh Poppy Foxglove Red Valerian Welsh names for plants Botanic Garden Wales list Wicipedia Cymraeg Y Bywiadur Plant-Lore, Welsh plant names Welsh Academy Dictionary Trust The People’s Community Assembly Manual Hinge brackets to lock benches to ground level brackets.
Starting out
Denise chat Possible Senedd backing? Contact Jane Davidson Constraint on space 10m x 15m Space for furnishings to move around, to accommodate diverse needs (Radical Inclusion pillar) Lightweight robust movable seating.