Starting out

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by Jake Rayson/ on 05 Jul 2023

Starting out

Denise chat

  • Possible Senedd backing? Contact Jane Davidson
  • Constraint on space 10m x 15m
  • Space for furnishings to move around, to accommodate diverse needs (Radical Inclusion pillar)
  • Lightweight robust movable seating. Can have it as amphitheatre, then move them to individual breakout groups:
    Sketch of movable seats
  • Move according to the needs of everyone being able to have clear lines of vision and hearing
  • 3 phases of the assembly
    1. Intro,
    2. Breakout discussions / decision prioritisation
    3. Plenary - gather ideas & suggestions, then prioritise for sharing
  • Outputs could be quantifiable outputs, measured on graph (eg Climate Anxiety Scale)
  • Outputs if they are decisions and recommendations are then shared at or after the process.
  • Trust The People running free online Community Assembly course in September
  • XR Choosing Our Future With Community Assemblies
  • Infrastructure
    • John Little approach of varied growing medium, build in complexity of habitat.
    • Infrastructure needs consideration of assembly and dis-assembly and moving to another location after RHS.
  • Liaising with speakers eg
    • Dave Goulson - Bumble Bee Conservation Trust
    • Cleeve West – homeless garden creator
  • Need support with facilitators and to promote training to get practice in regularly in advance
  • The XR Gardeners will be pulling together a list of experts for local groups to draw on

Jake input

  • Wildlife and forest garden
    • Creating habitat for wildlife, by building in structural complexity (ie nooks and crannies!) into the garden infrastructure (paths, hedging, growing material, seating, pillars etc). #
    • Diversity of native plants and wild flowers, to support larval stages of inverterbrates, as insects are the backbone of the ecosystem.
    • Growing perennial edible crops that are resilient to climate changes, which also highlights the need for agriculture to change (ie toward agroforestry, away from energy intensive farming)
  • Possible topics: gardening in a climate crisis, industrialised horticulture, peat compost, native plants, perennial crops, community gardens, mass extinctions, resilient gardens, community gardens…

Hope as a working name

Had a chat with Beth, I think Hope is a better working name than Crisis.

  • Straw bale size 460mm x 355mm x 1040mm Straw Works bale standard
  • Breakout rooms
  • Boundary plants for lawn area
  • Sign: please sit on the grass
  • Boundary path
  • Native grasses on different levels
